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A Year in Review: Token Economics

A Year in Review: Token Economics Published: December 31, 2019 | Written by: Cooper Turley and Lucas Campbell   While many may have considered 2019 a slow year for crypto, we witnessed a number of exciting developments signaling towards growth in the industry at...

Who Let the DAOs Out?

Who Let the DAOs Out? Published: December 24, 2019 | Written by: Cooper Turley and Lucas Campbell A few weeks back, we talked about the Rise of Distributed Autonomous Organizations, better known as DAOs. For those unfamiliar, you can think of a DAO as a way to...

2020: The Year of Staking

2020: The Year of Staking Published: December 17, 2019 | Written by: Cooper Turley and Lucas Campbell Over the past year, the term “staking” has become more and more prevalent in the blockchain ecosystem. From a high-level, staking refers to locking some form of...

The Rise of DAOs

The Rise of DAOs Published: December 10, 2019 | Written by: Cooper Turley and Lucas Campbell Over the past year, we’ve begun to see increased traction surrounding distributed autonomous organizations – better known as DAOs. You can think of DAOs as a collective...

The Potential for Bonding Curves and Nexus Mutual

The Potential for Bonding Curves and Nexus Mutual Published: December 3, 2019 | Written by: Cooper Turley and Lucas Campbell As we saw with many projects that set arbitrary prices through overvalued ICOs, many tokens were unable to maintain a stable value due to a...